The following shows how to install itrezzo UCM on your Microsoft Windows Server.

Before You Start

This guide assumes you have done the following:

  1. Setting up itrezzo UCM Pre-Requisites
  2. Preparing Your Microsoft Exchange Server for itrezzo UCM



  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the Download itrezzo UCM Server tile.
  3. Right-click itrezzoagent.exe > Click Save target as.
  4. Select where to save the itrezzo installer. > Click Save. 
  5. Open itrezzoagent.exe. The itrezzo Setup Agent prompt will open. (See figure below.)
  6. Click Install. The User Account Control prompt will open.
  7. Click Yes. After a few seconds, the itrezzoAgent Setup and Installation wizard will open. (See figure below.)
  8. Click Next. The End-User License Agreement will appear.
  9. Click the checkbox to accept the license agreement.
  10. Click Next. The Destination Folder section of the wizard will appear.
  11. Click Change and chose where install itrezzo to.
  12. Click Next. The Custom Setup section of the wizard will appear.
  13. Click Next. The Logon Information section of the wizard will appear. (See figure below.)
  14. Enter the itrezzo service account credentials. A NETBIOS LOGON is performed and these these credentials are verified by Active Directory.
    NOTE: If the NETBIOS LOGON is unable to find the service account or verify the credentials, check the Skip Domain Authentication box.
  15. Click Next. The Ready to Install itrezzoAgent section of the wizard will appear.
  16. Click Install. 
    NOTE: The itrezzo Installation Wizard will also install Silverlight and the itrezzo WebAdmin.
  17. Click Finish once the installation is complete. A pop-up message will appear.
  18. Click Close.