Public Folder Contacts and Calendars Available on Every Smartphone

Get shared contacts and calendars on every Outlook-enabled device.
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Why Use itrezzo UCM For Syncing Public Folders

The fastest, easiest server-side solution to sync Public Folders contacts and calendars to iPhone and Android.


All employees instantly have shared company contacts and calendars on their smartphones.


Sync Public Folders and shared mailboxes on Exchange to Outlook.


Works with contacts, calendars, and memo notes.


Filter fields and target specific lists to specific smartphone users.


Sync to subfolders to filter personal and company contacts.


Leverage existing GAL distribution groups for targeted updates.

Free for Six Months. Try itrezzo UCM Today.

itrezzo Unified Contact Manager, 10-user fully functional trial version, valid for six months. Updates enterprise contacts and calendars.
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Learn more about itrezzo UCM Public Folder Sync

Many companies leverage the convenience of Public Folders to handle shared calendars or contacts. But, there’s no easy way to sync Public Folders to iPhone and mobile phones, and the consequences can be severe. Instead of syncing Public Folders manually, check out this solution brief to learn how to pick an automatic sync solution for Public Folders that is right for you.


Interested in learning more about Two-Way Sync? Read more here.

“Every day, itrezzo Unified Contact Manager syncs thousands of contacts to Outlook and our sales team’s smartphones.”

Director of IT, Office Pavilion Houston

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Sync Public folder to iPhone, Andriod & Smartphone