ATTENTION Microsoft 365 / Exchange Professionals:

Take I.T. From Cost Center To Revenue Generator.

Effortlessly Syncing Every Employee Smartphone With Microsoft Office GAL, Public Folders, & Shared Calendars Can Save Time & Improve Profitability.

You can put every smartphone user in a position to boost team performance by ensuring they have the contact info they need.

The Hidden Challenge Of Today’s IT Professional

Today’s IT departments have their work cut out for them.

The recent uncertainty brought on by the pandemic has only bolstered ever-increasing workloads. Whether it’s cybersecurity, the changing nature of remote management infrastructure, or retaining talent, (to name just a few) IT pros’ hands are definitely full.

But there’s a lesser understood challenge for today’s IT departments.

As companies do business in the “new normal”, the tools that employees and managers need must also change. However, with rapid change comes unseen kinks — the longer they go unnoticed, the more they eat away at performance.

Inefficient systems unconsciously become the norm.

Every little edge that combats an obstacle to a company’s healthy bottom line needs to be leveraged.

For example, if software automation enhances performance and eliminates costly mistakes, company-wide implementation would result in an incremental contribution to profitability.

In a nutshell, IT admins are in a unique position. They can find hidden problems within an organization’s revenue infrastructure as well as new solutions to address them.

When an IT team goes from a cost center to a profit center, IT budgets have room to leap and salaries can grow. It’s safe to say that management takes notice.

Unfortunately, one area of significant concern to a company’s bottom line seems to fly under the radar of many IT departments.

Inconsistent address books and calendars across employee smartphones can cost an organization tens of thousands of dollars.

This situation for Microsoft Admins can be compared to a leaking faucet: it’s not a glaring deficiency that stands out immediately to be fixed. But considerable time and money can flow down the drain as long as it continues.

With all that said, there’s a legitimate opportunity waiting for IT pros to get ahead in their companies: Think like your end-users.

A smaller IT department might have everything that they need synced and dialed in, but you can be sure that means there are dozens or hundreds of other employees within the organization who’s contact info and calendars are out of sync. When you consider one single customer crisis that slips through the cracks due to inefficient contact information might cost an entire account worth tens of thousands…the implications become obvious.

Let’s look at an example. No one likes answering unrecognized numbers. Every time the phone rings, it’s an interruption. You look at the number’s area code, trying to determine if it’s someone you know. Chances are great we just let them go straight to voicemail. Three of four robocalls during the wrong day can have anyone ready to turn their ringtone to silent.

This can have drastic consequences if the caller is an important customer (or new prospect) who needs help sooner rather than later. This situation could have been easily avoided if the right team member had the contact info synced to their smartphone. This fire would never have started.

Additionally, the larger a company is, the more pronounced this problem suffocates its optimal performance. Suddenly, the “leaky faucet” mentioned above becomes a whole houseful of bad plumbing. The more employee phones that are out of sync, the more chances there are for someone to drop the ball.

Is there an efficient solution?

Yes, a solution exists which seamlessly updates smartphone contacts and calendars. When someone in your company (or a customer) calls you, their name, title, and photo can appear on your phone and you won’t have to lift a finger to add or edit contacts. It doesn’t matter the size of your company. One Exchange Admin went from being dangerously irrelevant in his organization to blowing his C-level execs away with the new-found ability to sync 1,100 employees’ address books. (You can read his case study here.)
Any sized company can run at a higher level with the ability to sync address books and calendars across each and every employee smartphone.

As workplaces become increasingly remote, smartphones become even more crucial in facilitating proper day-to-day operations.

Remote workers are leaning on their phones more than ever to serve as their lifelines to executing their duties. But expecting them to manually edit their company contacts to match the GAL as it changes is unrealistic. But now, you can seamlessly keep every smartphone dialed in and synced with up-to-the-minute information.

Guarantee that every contact (prospect, customer, vendor, and co-worker) and shared calendar is always up-to-date and accurate on business smartphones anytime, anywhere.

The right solution allows you to put every employee in the position to do the best job possible:

  • Employees always access accurate contacts and calendars, Caller ID with photo, so they know exactly who is calling them: On the road, at a customer site, at the office, at home, even with no internet connectivity.
  • Shared calendars are easily distributed: Never miss a critical meeting or schedule change, and fast optimization of resource management.
  • Access to CRM contacts on business smartphones: Every lead, prospect, and customer is reachable by all employees without requiring expensive CRM licenses.
  • IT can centrally manage the solution from a single dashboard.

One company even saved over $120k in Help Desk costs by syncing its 1,500 Microsoft 365 users. (You can see their story here.)

Save Money While Improving Everyone’s Workday.

Imagine everyone’s relief when they know they’ll know exactly who’s contacting them. No more unidentifiable texts. Or even worse: No risk of an employee (or you) accidentally ignoring a call from C Level Exec!

Once again, the larger an organization is, the more potential there is for serious consequences. With larger staffs that may be changing month to month, smartphones remaining out of sync are that much more of a liability.

Automated software solutions can help businesses become more productive and profitable by centrally managing contact lists and calendars on business smartphones.

Here are the ideal attributes:

  • Sync any number of items to business smartphones
  • Can scale to 1,000s of users
  • No training needed for users
  • Easy-to-use for IT: Central dashboard for management
  • Should support cloud or on-premise
We’re ready to explain to you precisely how automation can streamline your daily operations for maximum performance.

Discover the amazing execution that comes with having everyone in your company sync the Microsoft GAL, Public Folders, and shared calendars to their smartphones.