Könnten Ihre Smartphone-Benutzer von der Automatisierung der Kontaktsynchronisierung profitieren? Füllen Sie diese kurze Umfrage aus, um festzustellen, ob Sie gut zu Ihnen passen. I may be interested in a sync solution for:* Multiple People in my Business Work (Just for myself) Personal Use (Non-business) My company uses the following technologies:* Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Outlook G-Suite G-Mail, Outlook.com, or Other provider. Sync solutions that interest me:* Contact Sync Calendar Sync Sync Something Else No need for a sync solution at this time The role that best describes me is* Information Technology Professional Business User Executive / Owner Sales Partner inquiring on behalf of a client My request* I'm looking for more information I need help or have a question Call me Email* Name* Vorname Nachname Phone*Other comments or questions?EmailDieses Feld dient zur Validierung und sollte nicht verändert werden. 97732